Finally, Anna Hazare wrings the hand of the most corrupt political party of India to draft a notification on anti-corruption Lokpal Bill. However, the burning question till remains- how fruitful will it be if the same corrupt and decadent ministers remain on the panel?
Mahatma Gandhi seeing the rampant corruption had asked for a decent burial of this party as early as in 1937... however, Indian illiterates went on worshiping the dynasty of Congress party- Nehru khandan.
Even after 67 years of independence, the people are so immune to corruption that they have learnt how to live with the system, rather than join hands to fight against it. I was watching the live coverage of Anna Hazare's hunger strike. People did come out in thousands to support the cause, but I wonder how many will be there to pass the bill and see it through as the Indian mentality has always been - "Raat gaye, baat gaye.."
Our first Prime Minister was party to a number of corruptions, the most glaring of which was V.K.Krishna Menon involved in a corruption scandal. AND he was given a ministry without a portfolio in Nehru's cabinet. Then on, it has been a free ride on corruption and bribery for the Congress party. Ironically, not a single committee constituted for investigating cases against the heavyweight politicians of our country gives a conclusive report. Even after 67 years of Independence, the people are so immune to corruption that they have learnt how to live with the system even though the cancerous growth of this malady may finally kill it. The recent Tehelka episode surcharged the political atmosphere of the country but it hardly exposed anything, that was unknown to the people of this biggest democratic polity.
Nehru's daughter, Indira, went a step further and institutionalized corruption in the party by holding the post of Party President and Prime Minister.. The famous V.P.Malhotra (Chief Cashier of State Bank of India ) case in which he got a telephone call believing from Indira Gandhi to pay Rs,60 lakhs to one Nagarwal remained a mystery. Corruption cases like Fairfax , HBJ Pipeline, and HDW Submarine deal came up since then.
Two of the Prime Ministers from this party bribed MP's to win trust vote.
At every level, Congress can be pointed at for bringing criminalization of politics in India. Every political party has its own cadre - goons, thugs and local smugglers. The nexus is such that even with right intentions administration can do nothing except to follow orders. The most recent case in point- Rahul Gandhi raping Sukanya Devi and getting away scotfree. The Prince of Congress, on 3rd December, 2006, raped this young girl from the constituency which had been the seat of gandhi power. he has been twice caught at International airport in USA with drug in possession.
So, the bottomline is that whether we should rejoice at the seeming victory against corruption or be scared that another good-for-nothing committee will drain away our taxes further. Because, as I see it, the most corrupt political party run by the most corrupt family has nominated the members of the committee.
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